50th Anniversary
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Springs was at its best for the 50th
anniversary celebration on October 21st. Friends of Four
Springs ranging back nearly to its founding in 1956 up
to those who were coming for the first time gathered
to enjoy a warm fall day with Fall leaves drifting down
across the meadow.
people came on Friday evening to enjoy informal time
together, the beauty of the place in October, and the superb
cooking of our chef, Hector Marroquin.
formal celebration began under the Great Oak next
to the lodge. Following a welcome by Four Springs Seminars
Board President Karen Carlton, David Garrett offered
his reflections on the role that Four Springs has played
as a "monastic community" of seekers, like that
in Hesse's novel Magister Ludi, committed to the
inner journey. Garrett, a member of the original group of
leaders trained by the founders of Four Springs, led seminars
with the Guild for Psychological Studies and with Psyche
and the Sea.
Childs offered his reflections on the living symbols of
Four Springs: the gate,
the great oak, the hidden pool, and the center stone in the
meadow. These places
and emblems of Four Springs, he reminded
the group, are living symbols, never
exhausted as they continue to work in the psyches of all
who encounter them. They can serve as guides in enabling
individuals to discover their own depths of soul.
Springs Seminars Executive Director Timothy Locke
concluded the morning program with reflections on the history
of Four Springs and the contributions of many to the place
and to the seminar work, acknowledging a number of those who were present at the celebration. He also shared an update on the renovation of the
lodge and a look at plans for the future, and invited people
to share their memories and experiences of the place.
![Anniversary group](anniversary/50th-02-sm.jpg) ![It is essential to experience all the times and moods of one good place. T Merton](anniversary/50th-07-sm.jpg)
![Luncheon table](anniversary/50th-10-sm.jpg)
While participants
enjoyed a magnificent lunch prepared by chef Hector
Marroquin, people continued to share about the significant
role that Four Springs had played in their lives.
![Entering the Gates](anniversary/50th-13-sm.jpg)
provided time for Seminars in the Four Springs tradition: Four
Springs as Living
Symbol, led by Hal
Childs; The Body and the Kingdom,
led by Judith Peterson; Flowing
Dragon Swords, led by Richard Squeri, Jr. and friends;
Jesus and Mindfulness, led by Tim Locke.![Timothy Locke and Seminar Group](anniversary/50th-12-sm.jpg)
There was also time
for catching up with friends, reminiscing
about old times, touring the newly renovated lodge and
anticipating new possibilities for the future.
![Claire and Mac McCaslin](anniversary/50th-08-sm.jpg) ![Nancy Sibbald, Joyce Tappan,](anniversary/50th-09-sm.jpg)
The day ended with
a gathering in the meadow,
as participants lined up in the order of their first arrival
at Four Springs. Each one was invited to express their response
ritually at the center of the circle. Preparing to depart,
everyone felt again that sense of profound connection with
the place, committed engagement with the journey toward wholeness,
and the grace of companions on the way that have been a hallmark
of Four Springs for the past 50 years.
![Heading Home](anniversary/50th-16-sm.jpg)